ITIS 3130 Human Computer Interfaces
This course teaches students about the importance of the human-computer interface in the design and development of things people use. A major focus of the course is the process of interface design, methods of design, and ways to evaluate and improve a design. Students gain practical design and evaluation skills through the assignments, and participate in frequent in-class discussions to learn in a hands-on way about the various stages of an effective design process.
History: 2013 – 2023
ITIS 3150/5450/6450/8450 Rapid Prototyping and Interface Development
This course has students creating prototypes that continue to increase in detail and sophistication. While students work on one idea for the entire semester, each prototype is created using a different medium. A wide range of design patterns are introduced throughout the semester and students are expected to incorporate these patterns into their prototypes. The prototyping techniques include: wire-framing, paper prototyping, simulations, video prototyping, and Wizard of Oz prototyping. The prototyping tools and software that students use in this class include: Inkscape (or other SVG tool), Balsamiq, Power Point, Camtasia, Google Sketch-Up, and Axure.
History: Fall – 2015 | Spring – 2016 | Fall – 2021 | Summer II – 2023
ITIS 6400/8400 Principles of Human Computer Interaction
This is the graduate level version of ITIS 3130. This course teaches students about the importance of the human-computer interface in the design, development, and research of things people use. A major focus of the course is the process of interface design, methods of design, and ways to evaluate and improve a design. Students gain practical design and evaluation skills through the assignments, and participate in frequent in-class discussions to learn in a hands-on way about the various stages of an effective design process. Furthermore, graduate students get exposure to important research topics in HCI.
History: Fall – 2015 | Fall – 2019 | Spring – 2020 | Spring – 2021
ITIS 4011/6011/8011 Interaction Design Studio
This course is a studio approach to teaching topics in interaction design. Aspects of interaction design taught in the studio include: gesture-based interaction, tangible interaction, large public display interaction, tabletop interaction, multi-touch tablet interaction, and human-robot interaction. Each semester we will select a focus for interaction design that will provide the theoretical and practical basis for designing a new interaction design application. In this course you will learn how to apply a theoretical understanding of some aspect of interaction design to the study of existing designs and the development of a new design. Outcomes include writing a literature review of the theoretical basis for the interaction design, executing users studies and critiques of existing designs, and developing and implementing a new interaction design for a specific purpose. This course is repeatable for credit.
History: Spring – 2016